Bible Studies
Women’s Afternoon Bible Study!
Thursday, December 19th @ 2pm out of the November/December Gather magazine. If you need a copy of the study, one will be available in the office.
Women’s Evening Bible Study-Stay Tuned for January’s study!
All women of American Lutheran Church are members of GLOW!
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
GLOW Outing in June!
Lefse in action!
Glow Women, pictured with the 149 School Kits they assembled for Lutheran World Relief!
March 3– GLOW Meeting 10 AM
April 20– Shetek Conference Spring Gathering, Jasper
May 1– May Day Party & Baskets- Remick Ridge &
Sogge Home-Cancelled
May 4– SWO Synod Convention
May 5– GLOW Meeting 10 AM
June– Ice Cream Social at Mikkelsen Manor
August 4– GLOW Meeting 10 AM
September– Shetek Conf. Fall Gathering
October 6- GLOW Meeting 10:15 AM
November 3– GLOW Meeting 10:15 AM
December- GLOW Christmas Party
Plan to be a part of GLOW!
Please join us in person in the Meeting Room across from the ALC office or via Zoom for our GLOW Women’s BIBLE STUDY every 3rd Thursday of the month at 2 PM. These Bible studies come from the Gather Magazine. All Women are welcome! Come enjoy an afternoon of fun!
Kay Evers- 507-831-1077
Kathy Hiley – 507-831-4109
Jean Johnson – 507-822-2715
Karen Skarphol – 507-831-5540
Jackie Turner- 507-822-1633
Danni Vagle – 507-831-3288
Women’s Bible Study
We meet the 3rd Thursday of each month at ALC or via Zoom at 2:00 pm. We will be having Bible Study once a month during the summer. This is different than years past.
Contact: Carolyn Torkelson – 507-831-5986
Be a part of our Greeter and Usher Teams for Sunday morning.
Wednesday evening and Saturday evening worship.
Contact: Jane Cartwright 507-831-5032 or cartj58@gmail.com
We meet at 9am the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays in January through April, in the Fellowship Hall to make quilts for missions and the Christmas Cheer box. No experience needed. We need knot tiers and fabric sorters.
Contact: Kathy Hiley, 831-4109, Jackie Turner, 822-1633, or Jean Johnson, 822-2715 with questions.
Baby Care Kits, Personal Care Kits and School Kits
These kits are made for Lutheran World Relief during the quilting sessions.
Contact: Kathy Hiley, 831-4109 or Jackie Turner, 822-1633 with questions.
Altar Guild
This group meets the 2nd Tuesday each month at 2pm, except in June, July and August.
The primary duties are Holy Communion and altar care.
Contact: Judy Holt, 831-2128 or Kathy Hiley, 831-4109 with questions or to volunteer.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
We knit or crochet prayer shawls while praying for whomever the recipient may be.
These shawls bring love, comfort and God’s healing presence to those who are suffering.
Contact: Kathy Hiley, 831-4109 or momhiley@gmail.com
Library Board
Contact: Robin Rahn – 507-831-2182 or Judy Holt – 507-831-2128
Decorating Committee
This group handles the seasonal decorating of the church.
Contact: Carol Vought – 507-831-4717 or Judy Holt – 507-831-2128
ALC Prayer Chain
Will activate, come alongside you, and promise to pray for you and your loved ones. To activate, contact the church office at 831-1794 or by email winalc@windomnet.com asking specifically for prayers through
the prayer chain.
Work Units
All Members of ALC are in a work unit to serve for events and funerals on a rotating basis. If you would like to volunteer to serve beyond your group, please contact…
Contact: Jean Johnson – 507-822-2715